A thorough feasibility study is critical for organizations to estimate their possibility of completing projects successfully. Organizations utilize feasibility studies to identify possible negative and positive outcomes from a project. This is done before investing valuable money and time for it.

A properly researched and executed feasibility study is capable of clearly identifying possible issues that

Market Research and Business Plan

can arise when a project is implemented, understanding financial, operational and potential other organizational impacts. It determines if the project will be productive after considering all the influencing factors.

If you want a beneficial feasibility study about your company, you must devote the time and the money to hire an experienced organizational consultant. Our organizational consultants have extensive experience in making business plans and conducting feasibility studies.

Elements of a Feasibility Study

Our feasibility studies comprise several elements, and they typically include:

Project Overview – An outline of the project, products / services offered, the business model and method of delivery.

Market feasibility – Defines the prospective buyers, competitors, industry, the future and current market potential and sales estimations.

Technical feasibility – Lists the data about product or service delivery, which could include labour, raw materials. transportation, technology needed, business locations etc.

Financial feasibility – A forecast  plan about the funding required, the type of funds, and projected P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flows etc. This includes detailing the assumptions made in the study, sensitivity analysis, and graphical presentation of key financial data.

Organizational feasibility – An explanation of the corporate and legal frame of the company; this might include data about the founders, their professional history and skills they have that can help the company begin and continue the operations.

Our team keenly focuses on your business model, customers, are familiar with technology and have an excellent understanding of complex data. Their skills include clear communication, multitasking, organizational skills, as well as analytical, observational and critical thinking.

We conduct market research independently, with our own resources and work with leading market research firms in the UAE to obtain authentic market data, which, in turn, forms the foundation of a good feasibility study.

Our deliverables to clients are in the form of exhaustive reports and presentations, which are backed by detailed financial models developed using spreadsheets. We also develop summarized project teaser documents that potential investors might like to review before making further decisions of investments.

We will help you assess your chances of success and our engagement will provide the confidence that your investors will need to participate in your ventures.